We’ve NEVER shared these secrets with ANYONE. Not even our 9-figure copywriting clients. But on April 9th, 10th, and 11th… we’re revealing it all.

LIVE, 3-Day VIP Virtual Workshop:

How To Use “Attention Hacking” To Consistently Land New High-Paying Clients, Systematically Smash Nearly ANY Control You’re Trying To Beat, And Steal The BEST Customers In Any Market…

Keep reading if you’d like to discover…
  • The “S2E” Framework That Practically FORCES Prospects To Consume ANY Sales Message You Put Together (Applies to cold outreach, job board posts, client-attraction content, ads, emails, sales letters, VSLs, and more!)
  • How To Make A Full-Time Income As A Copywriter… Specializing In Writing Simple 150 Word Micro-Leads! (Imagine collecting 5K, 10K, even $20K BONUSES… just for cranking out 150 words of copy! I’ll show you how it’s possible… why it’s LESS competitive than email copywriting… PLUS give you A.I. templates for PRINTING high-performing Micro-Leads.)
  • Why “Evocative Velocity” Is The #1 Key To Commanding Attention In 2024 (Top filmmakers and an 18 year old female Youtuber ALL use this simple concept to OUTPERFORM many of the world’s “A-List” copywriters. The best part? You can model this strategy to produce top 1% results. )
  • The EXACT Step-By-Step “Micro-Lead Printing Process” I’ve personally used to produce over a DOZEN winning controls in the last 2.5 years… just for my 9-figure clients ALONE! (This is the SAME process I recently used to give a giant in the health space their BIGGEST front-end split test win EVER. And the whole thing took me 20 minutes.)
  • ​How You Can Get Two Of The Highest-Paid Copywriters Today…
    To Actually Help Optimize Your Copy WITH You… LIVE!
    (Our goal is for you to leave this workshop with air-tight sales messages… that are systematically structured to grab and hold MAXIMUM attention.)
  • ​Plus… Templates, Frameworks, CustomGPTS, And Other AI Shortcuts That Can Help You Execute These PROVEN Strategies A Whole Lot Faster!
  An Urgent Letter From Mario Castelli
From The Copy Cave In Staten Island, NY:
Count down with me…




By the time you’re reading THIS… it’s usually already too late.

Because in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace…

Where consumers are faced with ENDLESS distractions…

You Have Less Than 3 Seconds To 
COMMAND Your Prospects’ Attention.

And if you don’t NAIL IT in those 3 seconds…

Poof. They’re gone. Back to their lives.

Or worse… off to buy from one of your competitors.

With no guarantee you’ll EVER get another chance to turn them into paying customers.

So, as dramatic as it sounds…

If you’re a marketer, a copywriter, a media buyer, an agency, own a direct response brand, or work with clients of any kind…

Your Ability To Execute For Those
 3 Short Seconds… Heavily Impacts
Your Current Quality Of Life.

Oh, by the way, that “3 second countdown” I started this letter with?

That’s called an ENGAGEMENT DEVICE.

It’s one of the many tricks I use to command attention.

There’s a bunch more of those tricks embedded within this letter, so make sure you keep reading… (yes that’s another)
Obviously, if you run offers/courses/coaching programs…

Then it’s easy to see how your ability to COMMAND prospects’ attention is a massive needle mover.

It determines how much of your content gets consumed.

How many sales you make.

How your ads perform.

And whether you spend your days EXCITED about SCALING your business…

Or STRESSING over how you’re going to cover this month’s bills.

And If You’re A Copywriter?

Attention is EVERYTHING.

Because clients CAN’T ever hire you unless they know who you are.

Which means… you NEED a way to get on their radar.

And with thousands of copywriters flooding the markets… this is becoming more competitive than ever.

So your ability to COMMAND attention can make the DIFFERENCE between staying booked solid

At rates YOU choose…

With a growing waiting list of eager clients sliding into YOUR DMs.

Or… feeling FORCED to belittle yourself on overpopulated job boards…

Fighting for gigs that pay table scraps…

And not even getting SELECTED for opportunities you’re OVERQUALIFIED for…

Because your responses are getting swallowed up in the red sea of “Sent you a message!” replies.

And once you actually HAVE clients?

Well, the RESULTS you produce for those clients…

Are ALSO going to rely on your ability to seize and HOLD attention with the copy you write.

Point blank…

If You Can’t Command Attention In The Market…

Your Copy Is Almost Guaranteed To Bomb.

And nobody is gonna want to rehire you…

So you’ll constantly find yourself stuck in that stressful circle of “looking for the next client…”

Likely even having to make crazy propositions like “not charging anything upfront…”

Which only REALLY tends to attract low-tier, tire-kicking grifters who just want free work.

Bottom line: attention isn’t just PART of the game.

Attention IS the game.

And the reputation and future you build AS a copywriter heavily depends on mastering this ONE skill.

The problem is…

Learning How To TRULY COMMAND Attention Is The Skill Most Marketers & Copywriters (Even GOOD Ones) Tend To Struggle With MOST!

How do I know this?


Between the hundreds of copywriters who’ve passed through Genesis…

All the copywriters we’ve managed as part of the CA Labs agency…

Plus… being responsible for pretty much ALL the 1-on-1 copy feedback given to members of the $30,000.00 a year CA Pro mastermind…

There are VERY few people on the planet who’ve looked at, analyzed, and helped OPTIMIZE more copy than I have over the last 2 years.

I’ve been “hands on” with over 60+ winning offers…

I’ve worked with many talented copywriters…

And successful marketers running 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses.

Yet… even at the HIGHEST level…

Where people KNOW all the basics.

The BIGGEST Opportunities For Optimization Usually Comes Down To:

Grabbing And Holding Attention!

In fact…

Whenever I review copy for a client…

I spend 90% of my time and energy focusing on how they START the sales message.

Because that’s the MOST important part.

It’s the HIGHEST-LEVERAGE area for optimization.

And it’s ALSO where most marketers screw up…

Which usually means they’re leaving a LOT of potential money on the table…

And CRIPPLING their chances of producing that home run winner that can catapult your business or copywriting career.

(I’ve helped MULTIPLE copywriters make the leap from “good” to WORLD-CLASS… just by getting this ONE thing dialed in.)

So it doesn’t matter if I’m looking at ads, emails, sales letters, VSLs, opt-in pages, outreach messages, social media posts… or anything else…

The FIRST thing I do whenever opening someone’s “copy doc…”

Is identify those ATTENTION LEAKS in the beginning of their sales message.

Because if you can’t get a prospects’ dopamine receptors firing IMMEDIATELY

If you can’t stimulate your prospects’ CORE emotions

Over and over again… like you’re conducting an orchestra…

Holding their FULL attention for the first 3, 10, 15, 30 seconds of the sales message…

Then it doesn’t MATTER how compelling the rest of the copy is.

Hell, it could’ve been written by Gary Bencivenga himself…
Fun fact: While many mediocre copywriters blindly dismiss AI, Gary Bencivenga (one of the ACTUAL copywriting legends) purchased several of our AI Copywriting trainings. Which is always an honor.
Yet the response rate would STILL be less than desired…

Because Most Of The Prospects Would LEAVE
Before Getting To Any Of The “Good Stuff.”

So worrying about the REST of the copy would be like choosing to slap a new paint job on the Titanic. While it’s sinking.

Dumb AF.

The Good News Is:

There’s A FAST Way To Fix These
“Attention Leaks”

Just because “commanding attention” is the MOST important element of copy…

And even though this is where MOST copywriters tend to screw up…

(Which dramatically CRIPPLES their earning potential.)

It DOESN’T mean writing hypnotic sales messages that SEIZE attention needs to be some difficult, painful process.

Don’t necessarily confuse HIGH-IMPACT with HIGH-EFFORT.

This ISN’T something that needs to take hundreds of hours to get right.


You Gain The Power To Look At ANY Piece Of Copy… And MULTIPLY The Pulling Power Of Your Sales Message… In A Matter Of Minutes!

If there’s ONE thing you take away from this letter…

Make sure it’s THIS.

Because I’ve literally seen it DOZENS of times…

Where simply changing the LEAD of a sales message…

Just the first few hundred words…

Can Turn A Mediocre Performing Sales Letter…

 Into A Grand Slam That Brings In
300, 500, 1000+ Customers A Day!

I’ve seen it while working at VShred.

I’ve seen it inside the agency.

I’ve seen it with members of CA Pro.

I’ve seen it with my private clients.

And here’s a little insider secret for you…

The BIGGEST factor between the top copywriters who charge 20, 30, 50K for a sales letter…

And those who struggle to get clients at a FRACTION of the cost…

Comes down to their ability to write BADASS LEADS & OPENINGS.

Sometimes… it’s the ONLY factor.

It makes THAT much of a difference.

And here’s an even BIGGER secret…

Often, you don’t even have to change the WHOLE lead… in order to SKYROCKET conversions.

In fact…

When Working With Agency Clients,
We Found That Simply Changing
The FIRST 75-150 Words Of A Sales Message…

Was Able To Boost Conversions By Up To 600%!

No, that’s NOT a typo.

6X increase in conversions.

From changing less than a page of copy.

And that was a 60 minute VSL.

If you’re focusing more on eCom pages, ads, emails, job posts, or social media content…

You can often literally change the first 3-5 lines and generate a DRAMATICALLY different response from the market.

Because having the right HOOK does a lot of the heavy lifting FOR you.

It can make the difference between CLIENTS and CRICKETS.

And while historically, direct response copywriters WERE the most skilled at coming up with the best attention-grabbing HOOKS.

Sadly… that’s no longer the case.

There’s another group on the rise… that are kicking our asses.

The REAL Threat To Copywriters Isn’t AI…

It’s The Influx Of Young Content Creators Who Understand Attention At A Neurological Level!

For the last couple years now…

And especially THIS year…

Many of the organic content creators you find on Youtube, Instagram, And TikTok…

Are HUMILIATING copywriters…

When it comes to grabbing and holding attention.

A lot of these content creators are in their TEENS or early 20s…

Yet they’re consistently putting out videos and social media posts that feel IMPOSSIBLE to ignore…

Bringing in hundreds of millions of views…

Penetrating deep into the EMOTIONAL CORE of many markets…

(NOT just other “kids.” Big brands are writing them FAT commision checks.)

In other words…

Their organic videos often have MORE compelling hooks (and make more SALES) than the paid ads and VSLs marketers desperately TRY to monetize.

And part of it… comes down to their unfair advantage.

Because these kids literally grew up binging viral content.

Instead of watching TV… these kids have been clicking from video to viral video since they were old enough to hold an iPad.

So “attention grabbing hooks” have literally become embedded into their NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING.

These kids don’t study direct response books…

They don’t read old sales letters…

Shit, many of them don’t read much of ANYTHING.

They just see what’s ACTUALLY grabbing attention…

Then model it.

And truthfully… they’re damn good at what they do.

Better than most copywriters who are “SUPPOSED” to be masters at this stuff.

Because many copywriters have become TOO formulaic and dull.

They’ve swiped the same stuff so many times…

That the market IMMEDIATELY tunes it out.

Because it’s been STRIPPED NAKED of all the novelty that allowed it to originally work.

And The BIGGEST Breakthrough I’ve Had
As A Copywriter In The Last Few Years…

Came Down To ONE Decision I’ve Made.

That decision?

Spend LESS time looking at all the formulaic “copy” in the markets…

And MORE time studying those who EXCEL at immediately seizing FULL attention in 2024.

The viral content creators…

The influencers…

The filmmakers…

The documentary directors…

The artists…

Plus… many of the controversial public figures KNOWN for generating attention and stimulating VISCERAL emotional responses among the masses.

That’s the NEW way to build a “swipe file” in 2024.

I Call This Habit “Attention Hacking…”

And It’s The KEY To Standing Out In
Today’s Hyper-Crowded Marketplace!

So… if you’re looking for clients…

OR… you just want to start producing higher-performing ads, emails, sales letters, and VSLs…

The kind of marketing that breaks through all the “noise…”

And FORCES your best prospects to willingly consume your sales messages...

Then I truly believe that mastering ATTENTION HACKING is the MOST PROFITABLE skill you can develop right now.

Once you understand how this works…

It’s like taking your boring, mediocre sales messages…

Injecting it with supersoldier serum…

Then dousing it in gallons of rocket fuel.

Suddenly, the sales messages you produce go from IGNORABLE to EXPLOSIVE.

And you get to reap the financial rewards and reputational boost that comes with it.

This skillset is the closest thing I know to having marketing “magic powers.”

That’s Why We’re Hosting A
3 Day LIVE VIP Zoom Workshop…

Where We’re Going To Transfer This
“Attention Hacking” Skillset TO You!

We’re going to unload the EXACT systems & strategies…

Plus A.I. tools and shortcuts…

For commanding MAXIMUM attention in 2024…

And CONVERTING that attention into CASH…

Backed by literally HUNDREDS of millions of dollars in sales
DISCLAIMER: Since I work with multiple 9-figure clients, I actually STOPPED counting revenue numbers.

Because when you’ve helped take offers from ZERO to over 6 million/month in 90 days, it’s not playing fair. 🙂
The goal is simple:

By the end of this Day 3 workshop…

We want you to have the skills…

The fundamental thinking processes…

The AUTOMATED tools…


Of KNOWING that you can COMMAND attention in the marketplace.

You can use this ability for yourself… to GET clients.

To generate sales… on your own offers.

OR to produce breakthrough results FOR clients…

So you can continuously raise your rates, collect performance fees, and establish yourself as an in-demand Attention Assassin who companies feel LUCKY to hire.

That’s all up to you.

We’re just gonna open the doors FOR you. And give you the options.

And It Starts On Day 1—April 9th—

Where Luke Mills Is Going To Walk You Through Our Groundbreaking “Speed 2 Emotion” Framework For Generating Maximum Attention!

Let me tell you something about my business partner Luke Mills.

(Especially since he’s not here to defend himself.)

But the guy is a complete IMPOSTER.

Sure, you may know him as Stefan Georgi’s “copywriting protege…”

And it’s true that Luke’s written a bunch of 7 and 8-figure sales letters…

(Including taking down a few “unbeatable” controls.)

But if you get to actually know Luke…

You’ll quickly realize that he’s REALLY a movie director masquerading AS a copywriter.

His goal in life is to build a FILM studio.

I recently spent a week with him in Miami…

And after long work days…

Luke actually spends his “free time” watching filmmaking courses…

Studying ALL the best directors out there…

And reverse engineering their greatest secrets for seizing attention and stimulating emotion.

Then as his “BREAK” from studying that…

He spends MORE hours scouring the Internet…

Soaking up Youtube videos…

And TikToks…

Breaking down all the principles people are using to grab attention…

Then… usually ASSAULTING me at 3AM with 40 page long Google Docs filled with a bunch of crazy ideas and strategies.

Yeah… it’s anxiety inducing.

But… it’s also worth it.

Luke’s OBSESSION with filmmaking and Systemizing Attention led us to a breakthrough that literally changed the way we write copy.

It’s called the Speed 2 Emotion framework…

It’s something that ALL the top filmmakers… viral content creators… and the TRULY elite copywriters (when they’re at their BEST) execute on…

Because it takes the abstract idea of “ATTENTION…”

And breaks it down into a simple, repeatable, FORMULA.

Once you understand this…

You’ll never wonder how to command attention ever again.

Because you’ll realize… it’s not mystery. It’s MATH.

Attention =

The Emotional Response Of Your Message

Divided By:

The TIME It Takes You To 
Stimulate That Response

THAT’S what it boils down to.

I don’t care WHAT genre you choose to look at…

Those who are the BEST at commanding attention…

Are able to stimulate a VISCERAL emotional response… in the FASTEST amount of time.

That’s true of people like Mr. Beast…

Certain politicians…

Even Instagram “models” who make a living showing off their butts.

The TECHNIQUE they use varies. But the FORMULA is UNIVERSAL.

MAXIMUM emotional response in MINIMAL time.

The LESS time it takes you to trigger that response…

The MORE attention you’ll hold.

And during Day 1 of the “Attention Hacking” workshop, Luke is going to take you on a DEEP DIVE through this Speed 2 Emotion framework.

As much as I make fun of him for it… Luke’s a former SAT tutor.

So he’s a REALLY good teacher.

And he’s going to break this entire framework down FOR you…

He’s going to show you EXAMPLES of different filmmakers, content creators, memelords, and world-class copywriters who EXECUTE on this framework.

(Whether you know they’re doing it or not)

And most importantly…

He’s going to show you how you can APPLY this framework to ALL of your marketing messages.



Outreach messages…

“Client bait” social media posts…

Sales letters…


The medium doesn’t matter, because the FORMULA is UNIVERSAL.

The FASTER you’re able to trigger that EMOTIONAL RESPONSE

The MORE attention you’re able to hold…

Which makes it a whole lot easier to land clients and sell more of any products or services.

And to be clear, this ISN’T “just” about the words you use.

In fact, if you ONLY rely on the words… you’re HANDICAPPING yourself.


It’s an appeal to the SENSES.

And Luke is going to load you up with PRACTICAL shortcuts you can use to HACK the Attention Getting process.
  •  “Storyboarding Snapshots” that get PROSPECTS to INSTANTLY envision the desired results of working with you… at a primal, subconscious level
  • “Evocative Velocity” tactics modeled from a 18 year old Youtuber who’s generated over 1.3 BILLION views… (Producing nothing but “PG” content.)
  • “Meme In Motion” technique that allows you to leverage CONCENTRATED AWARENESS to pack a maximum emotional response (This is a multi-million dollar business in itself)…
  • ​Plus other tips and tricks he reverse-engineered from dozens of unconventional sources.
  • ​As well as the PROMPTS, GPTs, and other A.I. shortcuts Luke uses to execute on this stuff.
So by the end of Day 1, you’ll have an ARSENAL of Attention Grabbing artillery you can use to go get new clients and customers.

And our Attention Hacking Workshop is just getting STARTED.

Because On Day 2— April 10th—

I’m Gonna Be Hosting A Micro-Leads Masterclass…

Showing You How You Can MULTIPLY 
The Conversion Rates Of Nearly 
ANY Marketing Message…

By Changing Less Than 150 Words!
(And Start Collecting Performance Bonuses
For Smashing People’s Controls)

Look… I don’t really like to make a lot of declarative statements.

But I’m gonna make an exception here:

Because I truly believe that writing effective Micro Leads is the MOST important (and MOST lucrative) skill in all of marketing.

And nowadays, I think it’s the HIGHEST-LEVERAGE skill for any copywriter who wants to enjoy consistent 10K, 20K, 30K+ months.

Why do I think that?

Because I’ve SEEN how simply changing the opening few lines of a marketing message… can boost conversions by 10%, 30%, 50%, in one case… even up to 600%!



And because I know this…

I’m pretty damn confident that I can take ANY existing sales letter or VSL control… written by ANYONE on the planet… and BEAT it.

NOT because I’m the “best copywriter in the world.”

(Everyone can have their opinions.)

But because I know how to STACK the deck in my favor.

And if I HAD to beat a control… written by the best of the best.

I would simply go print out a shitload of 75-300 word Micro-Leads.

(Using some of my A.I. templates.)

And just attach that to the beginning of the EXISTING VSL.

Because from experience, I KNOW…

At least ONE of those Micro Leads will break through.

When it does, it’s likely to cause a SPIKE in conversions.

So even though I’m doing very little actual WORK…

I STILL get all the credit and glory attached to the win.

(And the BONUSES I negotiate for beating someone’s control.)

Because this is the RESULTS business.

There’s no participation trophies in direct response.

Nobody cares how HARD you work.

Your reputation… and your income… is dependent on the RESULTS you deliver.

And Producing WINNING Micro Leads
In All Of Marketing.

In fact…

Many companies today are STARVED for copywriters who can write killer leads.

Because they KNOW that ONE breakthrough lead can take a sputtering offer to 100, 300, 500+ sales a day.

So SMART direct response businesses are willing to shell out fat fees and bonuses to copywriters who can DELIVER leads that actually WORK.

(Genesis coach Brian Speronello has a RETAINER client who pays him 10K per month… JUST to write new leads.)

Yet… very few copywriters actually OFFER this service.

Even though you can get paid 10X MORE for writing a 150 word Micro Lead that works…

…than you can for writing a 150 word email.


Because very few copywriters (and marketers in general) know HOW to consistently produce winning Micro Leads.
Hint hint: This is why there’s INFINITELY LESS competition for writing leads than there are for writing emails. Which makes it WAY easier to stand out.
But on April 10th, I’m going to change that.

Because I’m going to walk you through the EXACT process I use to generate WINNING Micro Leads for 8 and 9-figure clients.

I’m going to take ALL the mystery out of this…

By showing you how to find WHICH emotions to target…

How to pinpoint the most compelling elements to lead with…

And how to structure the Micro Lead for maximum conversions.

Then… I’ll Walk You Through A Bunch Of My Favorite A.I. Micro Lead Templates…

  • Including the “Journey Around The World” Micro Lead template I used to establish a NEW control on a 7-figure joint health letter (It beat the other copywriter’s best effort by 29%)...
  • The “Anti-Mechanism” Micro Lead template I used to get a 9-figure health company their biggest front end split test win EVER (A 14% lift on an established $100 million+ offer)...
  • The “Soundbite Snapshot” Micro Lead template I used to dethrone another control in the back pain niche (This is how you do ETHICAL HORROR Stories.)
  • Plus OTHER A.I. Micro Lead templates modeled off of massive, runaway winners… across MULTIPLE niches.

    (Some of my biggest wins are in the biz op, real estate investing and high ticket coaching space.)
You can just pop these templates into Claude 3…

And shortcut the process…

To give yourself a GREAT chance of adding NEW controls to your trophy case.
And trust me, when you start dethroning copywriters that are SUPPOSED to be the best…

People quickly take notice.

And suddenly getting new clients… negotiating higher rates… and demanding performance bonuses becomes a whole lot easier.
PRO Tip: Instead of sending custom sample emails to clients on spec… (which EVERYONE does)

Send custom Micro Leads they can test on their best performing VSLs.

It’s a great way to grab attention. And if you beat their control, they’ll obviously want to keep working with you.
Between the training…

And the A.I. Micro Lead templates…

I’m pretty confident that you can start CRUSHING it…

Increasing the conversion of your offers…

Or your clients’ offers.

But “pretty confident” doesn’t really cut it for me.

I don’t want to take ANY chances.

So AFTER Day 2…

After you’ve had time to play around with the strategies and the templates…

We’re coming back.

Because On Day 3—April 11th—

Luke & I Will Host A Special LIVE VIP 
“Attention Hacking” Implementation Session…

Where We’ll Work Through These Micro Leads & Speed2Emotion Frameworks WITH You!

This is your chance to get REAL-TIME feedback…

From two of the highest-paid copywriters today…

Who actually live and breathe this stuff.

And this is where the transformation happens.

This is where a lot of the businesses and copywriters I’ve worked with get the MOST profound results.

Like Russ Symes…

Who I helped re-work an advertorial lead for his supplement company…

Which got him SCALING on Facebook ads again…

At a time his company needed it most.

(He’s on pace to do 10M+ this year.)

Or Ben Farthing…

Who took TWO of the leads we’ve worked on together… and turned them into WINNING controls at an 8-figure company…

Or Clay Manley…

Who’s starting to develop the MIDAS TOUCH…

Since practically everything we’ve worked on together has been absolutely CRUSHING…

To the point where his clients at BioTrust are close to building a SHRINE in his name… because he keeps smashing ALL of their controls.

(Shoutout to Clay. He put in the work and is becoming a legit world-class copywriter.)

None of this is MAGIC.

It’s simple EXECUTION.

It’s the kind of expected outputs… when you’re able to put all the right elements in the right order.

And during this special VIP Implementation Session…

Luke and I will help OPTIMIZE as many of these Micro Leads or Speed2Emotion assets as we can possibly get to.

Ads, emails, VSL leads, outreach messages, job board posts… whatever you want us to look at.

(And if we have to do a FOLLOW UP call, we will. YOLO.)

This way… we can MAXIMIZE your chance of getting an INSTANT ROI from this workshop While setting you up…

To where you can continue to profit from this new skill set for YEARS to come…

Because the ability to CAPTURE ATTENTION is something that will only become INCREASINGLY valuable in the future.

(As more and more boilerplate A.I. content hits the Internet, the ability to stand out becomes even MORE important.)

But as soon as I mention the words “ROI…”

I know where your head is going.

So… How Much Is The 3 Day
Attention Hacking VIP Workshop
Going To Cost?

Well, there’s actually a funny story around this…

And my stubbornness created an incredibly good deal for you.

Because originally, Luke and I planned on hosting the Attention Hacking Workshop LIVE in Miami.

We spent a full week working at the building of his new apartment.

It has a fancy little conference room that we can rent out for around $200 bucks a day.

(And a sick coffee machine that makes dope Chai Teas… which is the REAL reason I kept coming to visit.)

The conference room comfortably fits around 12 people.

So… we WERE going to sell 10 tickets to the Attention Hacking workshop.

We were gonna open this to copywriters and direct response offer owners who REALLY want the ability of consistently COMMANDING attention… and cranking out WINNING leads.

We were going to charge $5,000.00 a ticket.

For the right people, it’s a no-brainer.

An almost INSTANT YES.

And any future workshops we run in that building will certainly be priced between 5-10K per ticket.


To be 100% transparent with you…

I’m REALLY sick of traveling.

I’ve been taking 1-2 trips PER month… every month… for the last 2 years now.

And in the next two weeks, I’m going to be traveling AGAIN…

To Austin for a mastermind…

Then directly to Vegas… to speak in front of 500+ marketers at Perry Belcher’s AI Bot Summit.

(Since people requested I come back after I exploded their minds for 4 hours last time.)

So the thought of having to fly back to Miami AGAIN… before all of that…
Kinda made me want to commit seppuku.

(Sorry, I’ve been watching a lot of Shogun on FX. 10/10 show.)

But I know that this “Attention Hacking” workshop is REALLY important.

For the right copywriters and business owners…

It can LITERALLY be life-changing.

So instead of POSTPONING the workshop…

We decided to host it VIRTUALLY… over ZOOM.

And since I have no travel costs…

Or conference room costs…

Or recording costs…

This Gives Us The Chance To Allow You Into The 3 Day “Attention Hacking” VIP Workshop 

At A MASSIVE Discount…

This means…

It’s NOT gonna cost you $5,000.00 to attend the workshop.

It’s not gonna cost you $3,000.00.

Or $2,000.00.

Or even $1,000.00.

Yeah, I’m tempted to write a crazy value building stack in this section…

But really, the deal I’m making you is SO damn good… it could come across really corny.

Complete OVERKILL.

Because when you click the button below…

And reserve your spot in the VIP Attention Hacking Workshop TODAY…
  • You can get FULL ACCESS to the 3 day private training...
  • (Plus the recordings… in case you can’t make it “LIVE”)
  • For less than 1/10th of what we PLANNED on charging.
Because you get it all for just a single 1-time investment of $497.

Consider it your “Mario Doesn’t Have To Travel Discount.”

For the right people, it’s a no-brainer.

Just landing ONE new client…

Or making ANY noticeable boost in conversions to any of your existing offers…

By applying this Speed2Emotion Framework… or using the A.I. Micro Leads…

Can easily pay for this program 10x, 50x, 100+ times over.

But… as UNDERPRICED as the VIP “Attention Hacking” Workshop is…
If cash flow is a bit tight right now…

We’ll even let you break your investment up into 3 easy monthly payments of $179.
This SPECIAL offer
Is Now Closed

Because The Important Thing Is That You Take Action… And Actually JOIN The Workshop!

Because IF we ever do this kind of workshop again, it will almost CERTAINLY be in person… at a $5,000.00 price tag.

And even if we ever sell the RECORDINGS to that workshop…


It WON’T include that crucial LIVE FEEDBACK component…

Where you get TWO of today’s top copywriters helping you dial in your sales messages…

And OPTIMIZING them for maximum attention and emotional impact.

That’s an opportunity that’s usually only granted to our private clients…

Who pay us $25,000.00+ bonuses to write their sales letters…

Or who’ve shelled out as much as $30K/year to join our mastermind.

So… Here’s The Part Of The Letter
Where I’m Supposed To Use “The Crossroads Close” To Persuade You Into Taking Action…

You all know The Crossroads Close, right?

A CLASSIC direct response move…

That I actually ENJOY using.

Because it works.

And IF I were to follow that close here…

I would set up 3 possible options for you.

I would tell you that Choice 1 is to pretend that you’ve never read this letter.

Make believe you don’t understand how important it is to COMMAND attention…

And IGNORE the fact that not being able to seize your prospects’ full attention…

Is likely causing MOST of your struggles as a marketer or copywriter.

Just turn a blind eye to ALL of that…

Willingly cover your ears…

And go back to your regular life…

Whatever that looked like.

The same clients.

The same rates.

The same amount of sales and revenue you’re currently experiencing.


IF I were following The Crossroads Close…

I’d tell you that you’re WAY too smart to ever fall into Option 1.

So I’d then present Option 2…

The “Do It Yourself” Option…

Where you take the info… and the little tips I’ve teased throughout this letter…

Model some of the Engagement Devices I’ve used throughout…

(The ones I pointed out. And the many others I DIDN’T mention.)

And try to discover “Attention Hacking” on your own.

After all, I’ve told you where to look.

Hell, I even GAVE you the Speed2Emotion formula.

So if you’re REAL ambitious…

You can chase down some of the winning sales letters I’ve talked about…

Analyze the Micro Leads…

Spend hundreds of hours mastering prompt engineering… so you can convert those Micro Leads into A.I. templates…

Then spend 100s MORE hours reverse-engineering filmmaking courses, and viral content, and studying memes like Luke has…

If you do all that…

Eventually… you’re likely to figure a lot of this stuff out on your own.

You CAN do it.

It’s possible.

It just might take you years.

Which is true…

And IF I were following the classic Crossroads close…

I’d talk about how time is the ONE asset we can NEVER get back.

And how spending months or years with a problem that you can fix TODAY…

Would be a horrible decision to make.

Then… IF I were following the classic Crossroads close…

I would present option 3.

The fast path.

The easy path.

The shortcut.

I’d tell you to sign up for the VIP Workshop…

So you can master Attention Hacking in just 3 short days…

And start using it to land more clientsbeat controls… and increase the conversions for almost any offer you choose to work on.

But here’s the thing…

I’m NOT using the Classic Crossroads Close.

Not because it doesn’t work.

Or that I’m “above” using it.

I don’t want to insult your intelligence…

By pretending that Option 1 or Option 2 are viable options AT ALL!

I’m not gonna PRETEND to be humble about this shit…

Because we’re 5500 words deep into this sales letter…

And if you’re STILL reading me ramble… and make mediocre jokes…

Then OBVIOUSLY I know how to grab and hold your attention right?

Otherwise, what the hell are you still doing here?

And the truth is…

I KNOW that I can get away with having some fun with you in this letter…

Because the HARD BATTLE was already won long ago.

Once we “counted down from 3…”

And you were STILL here… fully engaged…

90% of my work was done.

Because once I had your attention…

I bought myself A LOT of leeway.

And that’s the point I’m trying to make to you.

If you truly MASTER the art of COMMANDING ATTENTION…

Using the Speed2Emotion framework…

And the Micro Lead strategies we can share with you…

The rest of your copy just needs to be “good enough.”

Because as long as you don’t go out of your way to screw things up…

You’ll likely get HIGHER conversions than you’ve ever experienced.

You’ll be able to sell MORE of your products and programs than ever before.

And if you’re a copywriter…

You’ll attract more CLIENTS than ever before…

Because you’ll be able to TRIGGER a positive emotional response that’s IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.

And once potential clients FEEL that response…

It catapults you to the TOP of the list of copywriters they want to work with.

Because you’re using one of the MOST powerful concepts in ALL of marketing…


Because the best way to PROVE you can deliver… is to actually DO it.

And if you’re able to grab THEIR attention…

The only logical conclusion for them to make… is that you can grab their prospects’ attention to.

And if you want that POWER…

If you want the ability to COMMAND Attention like a maestro conducting an orchestra…

You know what to do.

Click the button below…

Sign up for the 3 Day “Attention Hacking” VIP Workshop…

And join us on Zoom… on April 9th, 10th, and 11th…

Where my partner Luke and I will give you our BEST secrets…

Automated shortcuts…

And PERSONAL feedback…

So that you leave the 3 Day Workshop with the ability to COMMAND attention…

And convert that attention into SALES…

Like the absolute MASTERS of the game.

It’s YOUR choice.

But you know it’s the smart choice.


So We Can Help You COMMAND Attention, Land More Clients & Generate Higher Conversions For Nearly Any Offer You Choose…

P.S. This special offer EXPIRES at MIDNIGHT Pacific on Monday April 8th. No exceptions. Even if we’re besties.

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